We breed and sell champions
in all levels!
Jorgé Magarino Horse Trading & Breeding Company b.v.
The company name summarizes all activities in 1. Breeding and trade go hand in hand. Where the company used to only consist of the purchase and sale of horses. Today we see a huge interference from the breeding department. With about 10 broodmares and approximately the same number of foals born per year, breeding today is a large part of the company. We also offer 2 approved stallions for breeding, see our page: stallions for stud. Many foals find their way to a new owner through the auction, but there is also an existing clientele that shows interest in the foals.
The foals that are not sold are reared in the company itself and will enjoy later training as a sport horse within the company. Breeding is the basic for supplying our stock of horses. We therefore want to make breeding even better, bigger and stronger for the future. Have fun visiting the website and don’t hesitate to contact us for more information.
Kind regards Jorgé Magarino